Psychology Facts (work in progress)
The benefits of this post:1. You can refer to it if you’re looking for a research topic idea or studies to reference
2. The links are to actual scientific studies if I can find them. In the future, I will be thoroughly reading these studies and adding my remarks on them. But prior to that, I want to review my research methods and write an entry on it here so people can also benefit.
3. My followers are always asking for sources or actual studies, so this is the other side to it.
People who are infatuated with you are more likely to laugh at the things you say even when the things you say are not funny. An Evolutionary Perspective on Humor: Sexual Selection or Interest Indication
Both men and women regard humor as a top desirable quality in a potential partner because ability to make a person laugh is a sign of intelligence and good gene. Humor ability reveals intelligence, predicts mating success, and is higher in males
Making music promotes problem solving, prosocial behavior and learning in children. Making Music Improves Behavior
We experience a loss more greatly than a gain of equal value.
Physical attraction is subjective and really in the eye of the beholder. The better your personality, the more attractive you appear to others. This is true for the reverse as well. 1) More Than Just Skin Deep?Personality Information Influences Men’s Ratings of the Attractiveness of Women’sBody Sizes
People with dark personalities tend to create a physically attractive veneer.
You’re more creative when coming up with ideas for others than for yourself.
Children who have tendency to sleep late grow up to have higher IQ Why Night Owls Are More Intelligent Than Morning Larks
notes: the study suggests that it was a longitudinal design. need the actual studies
People who sleep late have higher IQ Why Night Owls Are More Intelligent Than Morning Larks
Introverts spend about the same amount of time with other people as extraverts and enjoy it just as much despite beliefs. : RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EXTRAVERSION AND HAPPINESS
Extraverts are under stimulated and therefore seek out social situations whereas introverts are inherently overstimulated and needs to get away from other people. The personality theories of H. J. Eysenck and J. A. Gray:a comparative review
We make better decisions when we sleep on it.
The unconscious mind is better at making decisions for complicated problems and the conscious mind is better for simple problems.
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